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Drum Rules

  1. You will need a minimum of five (5) singers / drummers.
  2. Singers must be ready at all times.
  3. You will compete a minimum of two (2) times throughout the weekend.
  4. Singers must sing the appropriate song when called upon.
  5. No drum hopping allowed.
  6. Singers will need to keep their area clean.
  7. The committee and staff decision is final and no one can look at the points.
  8. Contestants suspected of consuming alcohol or drugs or displaying inappropriate behavior will be disqualified and removed from the Powwow Arena by authorities and security.
  9. By registering, you are giving the Red Paint Tribal Council permission to use your photo / image as part of their public relations material.
  10. Registration (Saturday only) opens at 9:00 am and closes at 1:00 pm.
  11. Drum Judges will be selected by the Arena Director and / or Head Judge.
  12. NO FAMILY MEMBERS shall be a judge for the particular contest in which a relative is competing (through blood, marriage or adoption).
  13. **There is a $100 Protest fee honored at Red Paint Powwow.**