Categories and Rules for Dancers
Tiny Tots (5 and Under) MUST be in Dance Regalia
Junior Girls (6 - 12) All Combined: Jingle / Fancy and Traditional (N / S)
Junior Boys (6 - 12) All Combined: Grass / Chicken / Fancy and Traditional (N / S)
Teen Girls (13 - 17) Jingle / Fancy and Traditional (N / S combined)
Teen Boys (13 - 17) Grass / Chicken / Fancy and Traditional (N / S combined)
Women (18 - 55) Jingle / Fancy / Northern Traditional / Southern Traditional
Men (18 - 55) Grass / Chicken / Fancy / Northern Traditional / Southern Straight
Golden Age Women (56+) Combined
Golden Age Men (56+) Combined
The Committee and Staff reserve the right to combine categories with less than five registered dancers.
- Registration (Saturday only) opens at 9:00 am and closes at 1:00 pm.
- Contestants may enter only one (1) category.
- Contestants must have suitable and appropriate full dance regalia.
- Contestants must have ¼ degree of Indian Blood.
- If any part of a contestant's regalia falls off or is dropped during a dance contest, he / she will be disqualified.
- Banners and crowns are not to be worn during the contest.
- Each contestant must wear the number issued at registration for their contest category.
- Contestant's number must be visible.Contestants observed leaving the dance arena before the flags are posted will not receive points for the Grand Entry.
- Monetary donations from spectators during the contest will disqualify the contestant for that session. No whistles during a contest or immediately following a contest song.
- Contest Judges will be selected by the Arena Director and / or Head Judge.
- NO FAMILY MEMBERS shall be a judge for the particular contest in which a relative is competing (through blood, marriage or adoption).
- The contest will be on a point system. Points will be awarded
beginning with the Noon Grand Entry, Saturday, and are as follows:
- 15 Points - Grand Entry
- 10 Points - 1st Place
- 7 Points - 2nd Place
- 4 Points - 3rd Place
- 3 Points - Spot Checks
- The decisions of the Powwow Committee and Staff are FINAL.
- Contestants suspected of consuming alcohol or drugs or displaying inappropriate behavior will be disqualified and removed from the Powwow Arena by authorities and security.
- By registering, you are giving the Red Paint Tribal Council permission
to use your photo / image as part of their public relations material.
**There is a $100 Protest fee honored at Red Paint Powwow.**