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Categories and Rules for Dancers

Tiny Tots (5 and Under) MUST be in Dance Regalia
Junior Girls (6 - 12) All Combined: Jingle / Fancy and Traditional (N / S)
Junior Boys (6 - 12) All Combined: Grass / Chicken / Fancy and Traditional (N / S)
Teen Girls (13 - 17) Jingle / Fancy and Traditional (N / S combined)
Teen Boys (13 - 17) Grass / Chicken / Fancy and Traditional (N / S combined)
Women (18 - 55) Jingle / Fancy / Northern Traditional / Southern Traditional
Men (18 - 55) Grass / Chicken / Fancy / Northern Traditional / Southern Straight
Golden Age Women (56+) Combined
Golden Age Men (56+) Combined

The Committee and Staff reserve the right to combine categories with less than five registered dancers.

  1. Registration (Saturday only) opens at 9:00 am and closes at 1:00 pm.
  2. Contestants may enter only one (1) category.
  3. Contestants must have suitable and appropriate full dance regalia.
  4. Contestants must have ¼ degree of Indian Blood.
  5. If any part of a contestant's regalia falls off or is dropped during a dance contest, he / she will be disqualified.
  6. Banners and crowns are not to be worn during the contest.
  7. Each contestant must wear the number issued at registration for their contest category.
  8. Contestant's number must be visible.Contestants observed leaving the dance arena before the flags are posted will not receive points for the Grand Entry.
  9. Monetary donations from spectators during the contest will disqualify the contestant for that session. No whistles during a contest or immediately following a contest song.
  10. Contest Judges will be selected by the Arena Director and / or Head Judge.
  11. NO FAMILY MEMBERS shall be a judge for the particular contest in which a relative is competing (through blood, marriage or adoption).
  12. The contest will be on a point system. Points will be awarded beginning with the Noon Grand Entry, Saturday, and are as follows:
    • 15 Points - Grand Entry
    • 10 Points - 1st Place
    • 7 Points - 2nd Place
    • 4 Points - 3rd Place
    • 3 Points - Spot Checks
  13. The decisions of the Powwow Committee and Staff are FINAL.
  14. Contestants suspected of consuming alcohol or drugs or displaying inappropriate behavior will be disqualified and removed from the Powwow Arena by authorities and security.
  15. By registering, you are giving the Red Paint Tribal Council permission to use your photo / image as part of their public relations material.
    **There is a $100 Protest fee honored at Red Paint Powwow.**